The productive policies promoted since the foundation of the Marqués de Comillas and accompanied by subsidies have promoted agricultural activities. For this reason, deforestation has been very accelerated and only a third of the original surface area remains in a good state of conservation. The loss of these ecosystems also causes the reduction of the benefits generated by ecosystem services and, therefore, the decrease in living conditions and opportunities for young people and children.
Our objective is to promote new capacities, individual or collective, to generate conditions that expand the opportunities of the inhabitants of the ejidos of Marqués de Comillas for the construction of the sustainability of their development, improving living conditions and guaranteeing the conservation and sustainable and diversified use of natural resources and their environmental services.
Natura y Ecosistemas Mexicanos has promoted sustainable productive alternatives that achieve the dual purpose of improving the quality of life of the families involved and avoiding changes in land use.
More than 655 ejidatarios and family members have been trained to implement sustainable production and wildlife monitoring projects;
The general population of the municipality has been raised aware of this issue through environmental fairs, community cinema, tours of the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, brochures and posters;
Has been involved in environmental education actions with more than 2,900 children with interventions repeated throughout the year and for several years, to achieve a change in attitude;
5 young people from local communities who wish to join their family members' social enterprises have been supported with vocational training through a full scholarship for their university studies;
The training of more than 400 biologists and professionals has been consolidated through their professional practices with a vision for conservation and sustainable development through direct work with rural communities;
The national vision of the importance of the Lacandon Rainforest has been influenced through television campaigns around the program “Long Live the Lacandon Rainforest.”